new post. new post. new post.....(kip trying to be a active blogger wpn mcm bdk2 pnyer content..hihihiii...xpela...yg pntg anom ep kn..huhuuu). now i would like to share wif u guys about my class trip to KL (from K.terengganu) on las 3 to 5 Februari..
we ol 'departed' from our h0stel, MAIDAM on 2nd Februari at about 10.30pm towards Pusat Penyelidikan Perikanan Air Tawar (PPPAT) Gelami Lemi, Jelebu N9...we arrived around 9 a.m, 3rd februari 2010.. (before that we ol singgah jap kt msjd d bangi utk solat n mndi)..emm sgt pedalaman kwsn ini. jenuh tggu ble la nk smpai ms tuh. kahkahkah....
smpai2 jer terus bgmba dpn sang sang lampam not really can be observed through dis pic..
then, mlm 3hb tuh ktowg pown tdo la kt Kolej Antarabangsa UPM..such a exhausting day..smpai2 je bilik kul 6, trus tdo..12.30 am br sedar..'eh, ak ktner nih?? da kul 12.30??ape yg ak bt b4 ak tdo td??'-ini la soalan yg kuar when i am woke up at de middle of de nite..trasa mcm ala2 gler pown ader. hikhikhik
kolej d mn mberi peniduran yg sgt lena pd si gadis tp tdk pd si teruna.. (mosquito attack..dush3~~kasihan mereka e2. huhuuu)
next day, 04th Februari 2010 we r headed to Aquaculture Department, UPM yg ada kt Puchong tuh..emm for me, it such a big aquaculture research deparment (compared to my place) tuh tba2 brangan klo la ak blh initiate technologi pnyelidikn aquaculture cmni kt UDM...bestnyer... =)
pemberi taklimat yg sgt sabar dgn kerenah2 classmate ku..hikhikhik
di sebalik tmpt mengawet ikan
some of ikan yg diawet...
lps hbs tuh, ktowg pown g nk m'cuci mata' kt Alamanda n Mines (emmm a few tyme g trip ke KL..mUsti stay at UPM then g jln2 ke Alamanda n Mines..mcmla xder da tmpt2 shoping yg ln...btw, its better than nothing. huhuuuu)
ala2 menjadi pguna bijak...customer olwez rite, k
cheering ourself wpn da rs sgt pnt...huhuuu =)
perlu ker kami memenuhi tangga ini...hikhikhikk =p
next day nyer lg, on 5th february b4 we going back to our hostel at K.Terengganu nih, we drop by at Aruanmotor Sd. Bhd kt Rawang..tmpt nih dyer ternak ikan haruan, katak utk di mkn n ikan arowana..anom sndri mrasa gak peluang bt2 mcm tlg tarikkn jaring ikan tyme mgharvest ikan arituh...
haruan yg dternak mnunggu saat utk dbeli oleh si pembeli..
lastly, a few scene during de journey....
classical scene of them..
a scene b4 we leaved UPM..tq so much, UPM
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